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Signet Ministries

Refocus with Purpose

Updated: Oct 3, 2021

There are times when all we need is the help of others to give clarity and insight so that we can move ahead with confidence.

When change comes quickly and processes divert to new territory without warning we can sometimes freeze or become discouraged.

These past two years have brought challenges not many saw coming, and with that came adjustments that at times proved uncomfortable.

We at Signet saw this as an opportunity to realign and refocus our goals to help companies thrive in uncertian times. We continue to see it as our mission to release vision and stategies for companies and businesses that seek help in this area.

As one of our clients, Bob Ambrosini of ABA Custom Homes said;

"When we meet with Signet, we were chasing our tail not knowing want to do with the lockdowns and the pandemic. They gave us the focus that we needed for our company.-With that our company grew and prospered like never before."

We believe now is the time to refocus and realign with purpose!

We also know that the God of Heaven has understanding and knowledge ready to be given to those who ask...

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

We would love to come along side your business to release hope and insight for the days ahead!

Proverbs 2:3-5

For if you cry for discernment,

Lift your voice for understanding;

If you seek her as silver

And search for her as for hidden treasures;

Then you will discern the fear of the Lord

And discover the knowledge of God.

Mimi Majerus,

Founder and Director

Signet Ministries

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